Converting Contacts
By converting a contact to a member, the contact can then be invited to access the Eleplan platform. The new member could then be granted specific permissions to access the Eleplan, navigate its features, view content, and, if authorized, edit details. This transition allows the new member to actively engage with the platform and utilize its capabilities according to their assigned access level.
Contacts are individuals added to Eleplan for the convenience of its Members. Unlike Members, Contacts are not granted access to the platform and do not possess permissions to edit Eleplan details. Instead, they serve as a centralized repository for key contacts associated with your Eleplan. Learn more about contacts.
Members, on the other hand, are individuals who have been granted specific permissions to access the Eleplan platform. These permissions enable them to navigate the platform, view content, and, if granted, edit Eleplan details. Members play an active role in utilizing the features and benefits of Eleplan according to their assigned access level. Learn more about members.
To convert a Contact to a Member, follow these steps:
Navigate to your People tab in your Assets drop-down menu.
Click Edit on a Contact of your choice.
Ensure that the Contact has, at minimum, the following information: first name, last name, email address, and contact type.
Click the Convert button on the footer of the window..
Contacts are individuals added to Eleplan for the convenience of its Members. Unlike Members, Contacts are not granted access to the platform and do not possess permissions to edit Eleplan details. Instead, they serve as a centralized repository for key contacts associated with your Eleplan. Learn more about contacts.
Members, on the other hand, are individuals who have been granted specific permissions to access the Eleplan platform. These permissions enable them to navigate the platform, view content, and, if granted, edit Eleplan details. Members play an active role in utilizing the features and benefits of Eleplan according to their assigned access level. Learn more about members.
Adding Contacts:
To convert a Contact to a Member, follow these steps:
Navigate to your People tab in your Assets drop-down menu.
Click Edit on a Contact of your choice.
Ensure that the Contact has, at minimum, the following information: first name, last name, email address, and contact type.
Click the Convert button on the footer of the window..
Updated on: 09/12/2024
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